Calculator and Comparison

Free to the public for academic, civil, business, or private use.

Apportionment is the mathematical art of fairly sharing indivisible resources among recipients when the numbers don't divide perfectly.
With no perfect solution, there are different methods available which have different biases and therefore different outcomes.

Apportionment per method
State NamePopulationHamiltonJeffersonAdamsWebsterHuntington-Hill
Total (should always be 44):4444444444

Originally created to demonstrate functionality of my Apportionment Library publicly available on NPM.


npm install apportionment --save

Usage (changes to table above will be reflected in code below)

import { hamilton, jefferson, adams, webster, huntingtonHill } from "apportionment"; const population = [21878, 9713, 4167, 3252, 1065]; const seats = 44; console.log(hamiltonResult(population, seats)); // => [24, 11, 5, 3, 1] console.log(jeffersonResult(population, seats)); // => [25, 11, 4, 3, 1] console.log(adamsResult(population, seats)); // => [23, 10, 5, 4, 2] console.log(websterResult(population, seats)); // => [24, 10, 5, 4, 1] console.log(huntingtonHillResult(population, seats)); // => [24, 10, 5, 4, 1]


FavourParadox SafetyEnforces
Quota Rule
SummaryUsed By
AlabamaPopulationNew State
Vinton's MethodHare–Niemeyer MethodLargest-Remainder Method
Smaller states if Hare quota, larger states if Droop quota method is usednononoyesEveryone's quota gets rounded down, surplus gets distributed to highest remainders firstUS H. of Reps. 1852-1900 Legislative elections in some countries
Larger statesyesyesyesnoEveryone's quota gets rounded down. If there are surplus seats, decrease the divisor and try again.US H. of Reps. 1792-1832 US H. of Cong. 1791-1842
yesyesyesnoEveryone's quota gets rounded up. If there are too few seats, increase the divisor and try again.
Sainte-Laguë MethodMajor Fractions Method
yesyesyesnoEveryone's quota gets rounded to the nearest whole number. If surplus or too few seats, decrease or increase divisor and try again.US H. of Reps. 1901, '11, '31 UK selection of MEPs 2003-13
yesyesyesnoEveryone's quota gets rounded to the geometric mean of its adjacent whole numbers. If surplus or too few seats, decrease or increase divisor and try again.US H. of Reps. since 1941